On Wednesday Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar shifted tainted minister Kartikeya Singh, alias Kartik Master, from law to the sugarcane ministry amid the ongoing row over his alleged involvement in a criminal case.
Kartik Master is facing kidnapping charges in a 2014 case and was issued a warrant in the case by Danapur sub-divisional court.
Shamim Ahmad, also an RJD leader, replaced Kumar as the law minister, a notification issued by the state Cabinet Secretariat Department said. Ahmad held the sugarcane portfolio before his elevation.
The Nitish Kumar government had come under fire from all quarters after Kartik Master took the oath of a cabinet minister on August 16 despite Danapur sub-divisional court issuing a warrant against him.
The opposition party leaders had cornered the state government for making a tainted MLC as law minister. Kartik Master has neither surrendered before the court nor applied for anticipatory bail.
Kartik Master is very close to jailed Bahubali leader Anant Singh of Mokama. He won the MLC seat of Patna under the urban local body a few months ago on the ticket of RJD.
(With Inputs from ANI)